Boca is a very special young male out of Cedarwoods Zinfindel and Cedarwoods Quincy Dan. This has proved to be an excellent breeding as this entire litter performed extremely well in NAVHDA testing. Boca is a Versatile Champion and received this coveted honor just over 2 years old, recieving a perfect 200 point score. Boca ran in Natural Ability on a Saturday and again in Utility on Sunday of the same weekend. He has a Natural Ability Prize I and a Utility Prize I ; Next he became a Versatile Champion and finally a Hunting Retriever Champion. .He is a true thoroughbred to watch in the field as his purpose is totally to find game, with pointing instinct that's intense and convincing. He naturally backs bracemates and his willingness to please made him a delight to train (how else could a dog accomplish so much by 2 years of age).
